Grants and awards

Projects Young-AIL

Open call

AIL research projects:

Young members of SIBECOL or any of its sister societies, who are students or postdocs who defended their doctoral thesis up to 6 years before the publication of this call may apply. The projects submitted must be designed to include a large number of participants but must also be feasible with a low number of participants. This call has the following characteristics:

- Original research on any aspect of inland water ecology and involve as many youth members from different institutions as possible.

- The project must be completed within two years after the constitution of the team; publication of scientific results is not included in this deadline.

- This 5th call for projects has an available budget of 4,500 euros (VAT included) for the realisation of the selected project, which may be supplemented by funds contributed by the participants.’

The terms and conditions of this call can be consulted here  link

Past recipients: 
Urbanization effects on the relationship between microbial biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (URBIFUN)
Míriam Colls y Ferran Romero, del Institut Català de Recerca de l’Aigua.
AGRHYDROM: A timely look at effects of agriculture on fluvial dissolved organic matter: the role of hydrology (AGRHYDROM)
Edurne Estévez (Universidad de Cantabria) y Rubén del Campo (Universidad de Murcia)
DOMIPEX: Effects of labile DOC additions over DOM dynamics as a function of discharge variability.
Núria Catalán y Ada Pastor (Universidad de Barcelona)
